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Administrate the SEAL Operator Services


The commands for administrating the services execute PowerShell scripts on Windows and bash scripts on Linux. For more information about the privileges for this, refer to the Installation Requirements for Windows or the Installation Requirements for Linux.


You can start, stop or check the status of services with SEAL Operator CLI. Every one of these commands starts with operator service followed by the command and optional parameters.


The command either starts the complete SEAL Operator System or the specified services.

  • command: start

  • parameter: optional

    • without a parameter the complete SEAL Operator System gets startet

    • name of a service to start

    • list of services to start, separated by spaces

  • examples:

    operator service start
    operator service start <service_name_1> <service_name_2> ... <service_name_x>


The command either stops the complete SEAL Operator System or the specified services.

  • command: stop

  • parameter: optional

    • without a parameter the complete SEAL Operator System gets stopped

    • name of a service to stop

    • list of services to stop, separated by spaces

  • examples:

    operator service stop
    operator service stop <service_name_1> <service_name_2> ... <service_name_x>


The command either shows the status of the complete SEAL Operator System or the specified services.

  • command: status

  • parameter: optional

    • without a parameter the status of the complete SEAL Operator System will be shown

    • name of the service to check

    • list of services to check, separated by spaces

  • examples:

    operator service status
    operator service status <service_name_1> <service_name_2> ... <service_name_x>

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