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The configuration of the SEAL Operator services are stored in the key value store of Consul.

Consul Web Interface

For Consul, a Web interface is available. In order to open the Consul Web Interface, enter the following URL into your web browser:


Keys and Values

The keys in the key value store are structured hierarchically. For example, the settings of a SEAL Operator system begin with dc/home/env.

For each service instance, both the service name and one or more tags are specified. A tag is any text without blanks. Both specifications can be used for identifying the instance to which the setting applies. Each setting is saved under /service/<service_name>/tag/<tag_name>.

Example - all services


Example - service instance for the PLOSSYS 4 connector


The name of the key is added to the path.

Example - log level for all instances


All keys available for SEAL Operator are described in the Key Reference.

Hint - error messages

In the value input dialog, the data is checked for a structure by default and, therefore, you will get error messages in most cases when entering data. In order to avoid these, deactivate the Code switch at the top right.

Change the Value of a Key

  1. In the Consul Web interface, select KEY/VALUE on the top of the page.

  2. In the tree view on the left, navigate to the level of the key, for example dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any.

  3. To change the value of an existing key, select the key and specify its new value.

  4. Click UPDATE to save the new value.

Hint - service restart

After starting a server instance, envconsul monitors the configuration changes in the key value store. After a setting has been changed, envconsul restarts the service instances with the updated settings. Changes in the key value store not regarding to the service instance are ignored.

Add a New Key Value Pair

  1. In the Consul Web interface, select KEY/VALUE on the top of the page.

  2. In the tree view on the left, navigate to the level where the new key is to be created, for example dc/home/env/service/operator-server/tag/any/.

  3. To add a new key value pair, extend the level by the key, for example, LOG_LEVEL and specify its value, for example DEBUG.

  4. Click CREATE.

Hint - service restart

After starting a server instance, envconsul monitors the configuration changes in the key value store. After a setting has been changed, envconsul restarts the service instances with the updated settings. Changes in the key value store not regarding to the service instance are ignored.

Export and Import the Complete Configuration

With SEAL Operator CLI, you can export the complete configuration from Consul to a YAML file and import a YAML file into Consul again. For more information, refer to Administrate the System Configuration.

Secure Consul

For how to secure Consul, refer to Secure Consul on Windows or Secure Consul on Linux.

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